No one doubles that a career in law can be stressful; however, that does not mean that it has to be as stressful as it was in previous years. As technology develops and the ground that apps encompass continues to increase, people can use different pieces of software for a whole manner of reasons, and this includes people who work in law. This article will discuss some of the most innovative and time-saving apps that lawyers should (if they aren’t already) be using.
Client communication and the relationships between lawyer and client must be strong. This is especially the case in personable instances such as with law firms like Horst Shewmaker who are dealing with personal injury claims. Of course, when you are a lawyer that is constantly on the go, managing these relationships in a way that is beneficial for both yourself and your clients can be incredibly difficult. Enter Clio.
Clio is a valuable app with which you are able to track the time you have spent working on a case (or a specific project), not to mention it can also be used as a means to view client information quickly and easily and create new matters. Any lawyer from any law firm can use it as it can integrate with a whole other variety of apps for lawyers and work in unison with them.
Box is a fantastic app that lawyers can use as a means for document storage. It offers its users an in-document searching for enterprise-level accounts, meaning if you are in a meeting, on a call, or even in court, you are able to find documents at the drop of a hat. Box is also an incredibly secure app. Online threats are a nightmare for people across the world, but they are particularly a nuisance if you are working with incredibly sensitive data. As such, using an app such as Box that comes encrypted as a means to keep your documents secure is a massive advantage.
This is one of the best on-the-go apps that lawyers can use. Working in law means typing up a huge range of client notes and drafting briefs, statements, emails, letters, and the rest. There simply isn’t enough time in the day sometimes. As such, if you use this mobile app, you can use the in-app Dictaphone to type up a range of different documents that are necessary for the progression of whatever the case you’re working on is. This app can also be synced with your Box and Clio accounts, so the documents will be secure and incredibly easy to find after they’ve been created.
It makes sense for industries worldwide to utilize the advancements made with technology to make their job much easier. This applies to lawyers and other people who work in law who should take advantage of the above to make their work-life a lot more streamlined and to ensure that they can help their clients better.